Have you found a crash that's persisting in Generation Zero? We'd greatly appreciate it if you could report it to the support team. When reporting crashes, all of them are shared with the development team to be investigated. For PC players who may be experiencing crashes, freezes, loading errors when trying to launch the game, then please refer to our Support guide here.
When reporting a crash, we need as much information from as you possible. The most important things we need to know:
Crash Report:
The best description you can give of the crash and when/where it happens.
The frequency of the crash.
Which reserve are/aren't you crashing on?
Is it happening in single-player or multiplayer? Are you the host?
Reproduction steps (what caused this crash to happen, what were you doing before it happened, etc).
Unnecessary when the repro steps field is filled out on the same Support request form.
Technical Questions:
Have you already tried all the troubleshooting tips here (PC)?
Have there been any recent updates on your machine? Is your machine fully up-to-date (drivers / etc)?
What peripherals do you have connected to your machine (if any)?
How full is your machine's storage? Is it installed on internal storage, or an external drive? On an SSD or HDD?
Have you modified or tweaked your hardware/game in any way? (overclocking / modding / etc)
Requested Files:
Video (preferred. Any way you can send one is fine) or screenshots detailing what's happening.
Please send your savegame files (PC/PS4).
Please send your DxDiag and MSINFO files (PC).
Please send your crash dump files (PC).
What troubleshooting steps have you tried already?
PC Players Retrieving your crash dump files
If you received an error message saying "Generation Zero_F" has stopped working, then please specify what the error message is and send us your crash report files.
Click "What does this report contain"
Select all files and click "Export..."
If you have collected all of this information and are ready to send a report to Support, please click here to submit a Support request.