If you are having an issue launching the game and would like our support team to understand your PC specifications and performance better, please submit a request with DxDiag and MSINFO files.
How to create DXDIAG Report?
Open a "Run" command box by pressing (Windows key + R). You can also do it by typing "Run" into the Start menu's search bar, then press enter
Type dxdiag in the Run dialogue box and press Enter
The DirectX Diagnostic Tool will open and gather information about your PC. Once the report is completed, click on "Save All Information"
Select where to save the file. The file will be named "DxDiag" by default
Locate the file and attach it to your support ticket when needed
How to create MSINFO Report?
Open a "Run" command box by pressing (Windows key + R). You can also do it by typing "Run" into the Start menu's search bar, then press enter
Type msinfo32 in the Run dialogue box and press Enter
From the 'File' menu at the top left, select 'Save...' to save the file to the desired location
Locate the file and attach it to your support ticket when needed